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Розробник: Hubilo Softech Private Limited

Saudi Arabia is a good platform to promote your business and to build new relationships and networks with the clients. This EXPO is an excellent opportunity for you to also promote your own products or services and consolidate a future collaboration with the company of your interest in Saudi Arabia.

Join us and be part of the change you want to see in the Saudi 2030-Vision. GEDS participants will support Saudis vision by thriving the economy providing opportunities for all by building an education system that is aligned with market needs and creating economic opportunities for the entrepreneur, small enterprises, as well as large corporations.

GEDS specializes in education, technologies, skill-based trainers, and top vendors under one roof. We invite you to attend, network, learn and potentially create global opportunities.

Who should participate?

Educational sectors, services, and suppliers.
Private and international schools.
Development and Educational training centers.
Technology and software.

We are looking forward to your valued participation in one of the biggest and recognized education exhibitions in the country. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, we are happy to help.

GEDS 2020 will be Saudi Arabia’s most prominent educational event, not to be missed! We will be welcoming local and international visitors and exhibitors.

Register now and secure your booth for an unbeatable rate!

Download the official GEDS EXPO App to make the most of your experience.

This app helps you do the following

1) Connect with the attendees who have interests similar to yours
2) Set up meetings with potential attendees (investors, mentors, industry CEOs) by using the chat feature
3) View the summit program and explore sessions
4) Create your own personalized schedule, explore workshops and plan your day upfront
5) Get live updates and latest announcements about the event
6) Access location and speaker information at your fingertips
7) Interact with fellow attendees in a discussion forum and share your thoughts.
8) Share your business card with stakeholders.

Live your world with GEDS App / 00966554174414

: هذا التطبيق يساعدك على القيام بما يلي

التواصل مع الحاضرين الذين لديهم اهتمامات مشابهة لاهتماماتك

إعداد اجتماعات مع الحضور المحتملين (المستثمرين والموجهين وكبار المسؤولين التنفيذيين في الصناعة التعليمية والتكنلوجية) باستخدام ميزة الدردشة

عرض برنامج القمة واستكشاف الدورات

إنشاء جدول زمني خاص بك ، واستكشاف ورش العمل والتخطيط ليومك مقدما

الحصول على تحديثات حية وأحدث الإعلانات حول الحدث

الوصول إلى الموقع ومعلومات المتحدث في متناول يدك

التفاعل مع زملائه الحضور في منتدى مناقشة وتبادل أفكارك.

مشاركة بطاقة عملك مع أصحاب المصلحة.

أنه ليس مجرد تطبيق بل عالم من المتعة يستمتع بها ذو الشخصيات الراقية والعقول المتطورة.

تواصل معنا: لمعرفة المزيد 00966554174414